Prof. Dr. habil. Sambor Grucza, scientific supervisor of the Laboratory, is a Professor at the University of Warsaw, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources of the University of Warsaw, head of the Specialized Comunication Studeis Scientific Division at the Institute of Specialized and Intercultural Communication, founder and research head of the Laboratory for Experimental Eye Tracking Linguistics. He is also editorial head of the Applied Linguistics Papers, Studi@ Naukowe, Warschauer Studien zur Germanistik und Angewandten Linguistik, Studia Translatorica, and Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies. He is the President of the Polish Association of Applied Linguistics, and executive board member of the Polnischer Germanisten Verband and also a member of several other international academic associations (Polish Modern Language Association, Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik - IVG), Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik - GAL). His research interests are: metalinguistics, text and discourse linguistics, translation studies, translation teaching, glottodidactics, and linguistics of languages for specific purposes. He is currently head of three international research projects. He is author of over 120 publications and co-author of 35 text books in the series Dein Deutsch for the study of German as a second language. E-mail:, Website: Prof. Sambor Grucza.